Our promise to New Orleans

The New Orleans Career Center (NOCC) is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. At NOCC, high school and adult trainees gain career preparation and technical skills training to earn industry-based credentials (IBCs) for employment in high-wage, high-demand industry sectors. NOCC graduates have the skills, the knowledge, and the networks to compete and add value to careers and classrooms the moment they walk through the door.

NOCC transforms lives. Our trainees gain technical skills, have meaningful work-based learning experiences, and develop impactful community and employer relationships. NOCC equips trainees to more fully explore their own interests, and ensures they are poised for success in college, careers, and life.

  • Mission: New Orleans Career Center is our city’s hub for high-quality technical education, training skilled and prepared graduates.

    Vision: New Orleans Career Center aspires to the day when every NOCC graduate has the power to shape their future and the future of New Orleans.

  • We give New Orleans high school students the power to choose their futures by helping them earn employer-valued credentials, gain relevant work experience, develop workplace readiness skills, and graduate from high school.

  • We partner with students, families, schools, education and workforce partners, and industry professionals to lift the profile of career and technical education (CTE).

  • We contribute to the city’s economic development by connecting industry, workforce, and education, and by developing future NOLA leaders in high-growth industries.